SSM calls decision on electricity price hike hasty


The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) believes the decision to raise the price of electricity was made hastily, warning it could affect many households in the country.

“Although not being an organization that regulates the prices of certain services and products, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia believes that the health crisis could easily turn into economic crisis after the decision of the Energy Regulatory Commission to increase electricity price by 7.4%. If the hasty decision isn’t revoked, then salaries and pensions should increase to correspond with the rising costs of living,” says the organization of trade unions in a statement.

Analyses conducted on the basis of minimum consumer basket will be sent to the Economic and Social Council in order to enable rises in salaries if the decision increasing power prices isn’t cancelled, says SSM, once again urging the Energy Regulatory Commission to reconsider the decision.

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