Arsovski: SDSM has no justification for spending over 700,000 euros in the campaign


SDSM has no excuse for spending over 700,000 eurosduring the campaign for the early parliamentary elections, says VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson DimceArsovski.

Namely, in the report submitted by SDSM to the State Audit Office, empty fields are clearly seen, at the places where the amounts spent for advertising on social networks and for renting billboards, ie billboards should be written.

It is simply unclear why SDSM hides these things if we know that they can be easily found and available for research – online.

The billboards were publicly drawn in the SEC and for those locations rented by SDSM it is clear that they spent hundreds of thousands of euros, and for the ads on social networks experts have already commented in the media that SDSM spent over 27,000 euros per day during the campaign or throughout campaign over 500,000 euros, i.e. over half a million euros.

The suspicion of hiding an amount of over 700,000 euros in total, leads to the fact that the citizens are already guessing how in SDSM they got this money that they did not report in the report.

“The gap of 700,000 euros in the SDSM report is a sufficient indicator that the party financed the entire campaign from the illegal money they gained through racketeering,” said Arsovski.

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