Infectious Diseases Commission and Education Ministry fail to reach decision on school year as of September 1


The meeting of the Infectious Diseases Commission and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science focused on finalization of the protocols on learning models for the new school year as of September 1, will continue on Tuesday, after failing to reach a decision.

The Commission for Infectious Diseases has prepared the protection measures and the necessary protocols to be observed for the protection of children and teachers during the teaching process. However, the final decision on the start of the school year and the manner of teaching is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science.

On Friday, the Education Minister Arber Ademi noted that there’s plenty of time until September 1, to organize the start of the 2020/2021 school year and allow schools to implement protocols on learning models depending on the COVID-19 situation – classroom-based learning, distance learning and combined learning models.

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