Macedonian Diplomatic Union welcomes Dimitrov’s departure from post


The Macedonian Diplomatic Union welcomes the departure of Nikola Dimitrov from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“It will not be easy for the next minister to restore the devastation that Dimitrov leaves behind and to bridge the deep gap between the promised introduction of European standards in the Ministry, as opposed to the real picture, i.e. the real feudalism in the management of the MFA by Dimitrov and the close clique around him.Deeply divided staff of “ours” and “yours”, and silencing of diplomats through dismissal, disciplinary proceedings, mass mobbing and degradation without any substantial explanation, attempts to privatize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through an unsuccessful and legally extremely problematic proposal for a law foreign affairs, freezing the progress of young diplomats, selective employment and dismissal of top young staff, cooperation with only 10 percent of staff, etc. These are just some of the things that this, the weakest, arrogant and narcissistic foreign minister will ever be remembered by his former colleagues,” reads the Union’s statement.

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