VMRO-DPMNE: The announced program of the government is another one of Zaev’s false promises


VMRO-DPMNE reacts that the announced work program and the priorities that the new government will have are another false promise of SDSM and ZoranZaev to the citizens.

According to the opposition party, Zaev and SDSM have clearly shown that they do not fulfill almost anything they promise.

“Before the elections, ZoranZaev promised 100,000 new jobs, higher salaries in healthcare and education, and there is not a word of it in the government program.

ZoranZaev manipulates the citizens again before the elections. He promised a lot, and there is nothing of that in the government program.

Zaev knows full well he is unable to reduce the unemployment rate down to 8 percent as he promised or to open 100,000 new jobs and increase the average salary to over 600 EUR. None of these promises is even mentioned in the program. SDSM promised a lot to the healthcare and education workers but that is also not mentioned in the program,” VMRO-DPMNE said.


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