Carovska: Starting the school year is the top priority


Substantial reforms in primary education, strengthening of secondary vocational schools, improving the grades of international tests and restoring the dignity of educators and their personal motivation. This is the goal for the four-year term of the new Minister of Education Mila Carovska, who today officially took over from her predecessor Arber Ademi.

However, Carovska stressed at the meeting that her first challenge is to start the school year 2020/2021 in conditions of a coronavirus pandemic.

“The top priority is to start the school year, but also to create an education that will make us proud,” Carovskasaid.

At the meeting with Ademi, Carovska reiterated the position of the new Government for the school year to start on October 1 with a combined model of teaching. For that purpose, protocols for learning with physical presence have already been prepared and adopted, and he announced that a unique national platform for distance learning is being developed.

During the handover ceremony Carovska and Ademi discussed current activities at the Ministry, as well as future plans and challenges regarding cooperation, establishing inclusive education, strengthening capacities of vocational schools and implementation of the dual education system.

The new Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska took over Monday duties from outgoing Education Minister Arber Ademi.

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