Mizrahi: Online sessions are an attempt to camouflage the problems of the slim majority


Current MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Rashela Mizrahi, when it comes to the proposal to hold online parliament session, believes that it is a camouflage for parliamentary problems between the triple partnership between SDSM, DUI and BESA.

“An MP means sent by the people, with the trust of the people, one of the people, no different, if professors can go to work, doctors, teachers, dentists, technical services, administrative workers, and even return preschool children to kindergartens, in schools, why would I, as an MP, be isolated from all this and stay at home? I do not want to be more protected, I want to be equal with my people,” Mizrahi said.

“It’s obvious that there is a disputed situation between the triple partnership between SDS, DUI and Besa and because of that we are expected to have such an online parliament that could camouflage the parliamentary problems that would be in relation to the narrow majority that the government has at the moment,” Mizrahi pointed out.

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