Chronically ill to return to work


The Government adopted at today’s session the proposal of the Commission for Infectious Diseases for the chronically ill to return to work, with some exceptions.

“Employees who have been released on the basis of the established list of chronic diseases will to return to their workplaces and do their jobs regularly. Exceptions to this will be only the persons (patients) in whom the disease is in an exacerbation phase (deterioration) and for those with malignant disease, for whom a confirmation will be given with a finding and opinion of a specialist doctor, based on which confirmation these persons will use sick leave,” the government’s press service said.

During the session, it was decided that pregnant women should continue to use government measures and be released from going to work.

The chronically ill have until September 23 to visit a specialist and receive a certificate if due to their diagnosis and condition they cannot return to work. If they do not manage to do so by September 23, there will be a new extension.

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