Misajlovski: Delchev is the red line of our dignity, trading with him is trading with our existence


Goce Delchev is one of the brightest characters on whose postulates the modern Macedonian state rests, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vlado Misajlovski, regarding the growing speculation that the government of Zoran Zaev will declare him a Bulgarian hero. Misajlovski points out that the significance that Goce Delchev has for the Macedonian history is a reason not to allow his name to be put in any negotiations or political bargaining.

“Therefore, in order to express revolt for the government’s attempts to erase the Macedonian identity of Goce Delchev, VMRO-DPMNE will stage a protest on Tuesday (September 15) at 18:30 h to express support for EU membership, Macedonia and Goce Delchev who is the Macedonian existence and the Macedonian identity,” said Misajlovski.

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