Government anti-crisis measures deliberately populist due to local elections, will bring deeper crisis


The measures promoted Sunday by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev as a fourth set to help the economy in the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic are populist and deliberately created for the next round of local elections and will lead the country into an even deeper crisis, while vulnerable groups liek students, single mothers and students are left in the lurch, said Gordana Dimitrieska Kochoska, member of the Executive Committee of the opposition VMRO DPMNE.

The until recently additional Deputy Minister of Finance in her interview in the central evening news on Sitel TV pointed out that this and the previous set of measures since the coronacrisis started were not well targeted at all, nor did the businessmen show much interest in them.

Kochoska stressed that the set of measures does not show that we are a welfare state, but on the contrary that the government does not care about single mothers or children who go to school and that the measures are populist and intended for a certain group of citizens consciously for the next round of local elections.

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