Pendarovski’s decrees for declaring a state of emergency to fail in Parliament


President Stevo Pendarovski’s decrees for declaring a state of emergency do not seem to be confirmed by the Parliament.

The five decrees of the head of state are on the agenda of Wednesday’s Parliament session. They need the support of two thirds of the MPs, i.e. 80 votes “in favor”, but the opposition VMRO-DPMNE announced that it would vote “against”. MP Antonio Miloshoski, after coordination of the parliamentary group, said that they would vote against because each of the decrees, as he said, was abused by the Government to pass decrees with legal force that had nothing to do with overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The second basis for these decrees was dealing with the economic consequences of the pandemic and now, a few months after these decisions for the state of emergency, we have a drastic deterioration of the economic situation in the country with much increased unemployment. The third reason is that these two bases of the decisions for state of emergency, dealing with the pandemic and helping the economy, unfortunately the government abused them for election bribery,” said MP Miloshoski.

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