Macedonian President says signing a new treaty with Bulgaria is “out of the question“


A new agreement from the already signed treaty for cooperation and good neighborliness between the two countries or an amendment to that agreement is out of the question. We should implement what we have signed, both of us, said Macedonian head of state Stevo Pendarovski in an interview with Telma, after opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski yesterday revealed that Bulgaria demands constitutional amendments under which Macedonia would redefine its nation and language and admit that the nation and language were formed after 1945.

“I have no such information,” Pendarovski said.

He said that he met with Foreign Minister BujarOsmani yesterday when he returned from Sofia and yesterday again and that Osmani did not mention any set of proposals that Sofia proposes a change of the Constitution and add that the Macedonian nation and language were formed in 1945.

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