Оnline sessions are a degradation of the Parliament, according to the opposition


“Our position is clear. We do not accept online sessions at this stage, because it is degradation and humiliation of the Parliament, and above all degradation and silencing of the MP,” said Nikola Micevski, coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group and the “Renewal of Macedonia” coalition.
Micevski added that the MP was elected by the citizens, and it is his duty to express the views and demands of those who elected him.

“Now we see different interpretations and requests for interpretation of the Constitution, because Article 69, in fact Amendment 10 with the amendment of the Constitution says that the session can be held in the presence of the majority of MPs. Interpretation of the word presence, what DUI is doing these days, is very unserious for us because we know what presence is. The presence can not be non-physical and we can interpret it as online,” said Micevski.

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