Zaev needs to clearly state his position on Delchev and the Macedonian language


Zoran Zaev is silent and does not say whether he is selling out Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language! Zoran Zaev must stop running and say what he promised in Bulgaria and what he has to fulfill now! Zoran Zaev must come out and clearly state his position on Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski.

He called on Zaev to come out and express his position on Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language.

“Macedonia is not a market, and the Macedonian cultural and historical heritage and language are not Zaev’s companies to be sold at their own will by Zoran Zaev. Zoran Zaev must come out and say whether the allegations of the historians who claim that Macedonia should accept guilt for the deportation of the Macedonian Jews who were taken to the Treblinka camp are true?!The Macedonian people are part of the anti-fascist coalition, part of the nations that rebuilt the world after World War II. Zoran Zaev has no right to change historical truths and humiliate Macedonia, nor the Macedonian people. VMRO-DPMNE is for Macedonia, which is integrated in NATO and the EU, free and democratic, ideas that are based on the EU,” said Stoilkovski.

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