If the treaty with Bulgaria has resolved all open issues, as Zaev claimed, why is a declaration being prepared now?


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has been silent for days and does not say what his position is on Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language, he should be encouraged not to be afraid and to say his position in front of the whole country, and not to hide behind empty phrases and general terms, Macedonia expects an attitude, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski.

“Weren’t all the problems with the neighbors solved? Were there no more open questions with the neighbors? Wasn’t the treaty he signed with Bulgaria a guarantee for our European future? Where do the new declarations and annexes to the agreement come from now? Everything that Zoran Zaev said three years ago when he signed the agreement with Bulgaria was a lie and part of a phase of systematic overthrow of the nation. Yesterday’s statement that a new declaration is possible, which will be an addition to the agreement, is the disintegration of the nation and the history of the country. Instead of growth and development, Zaev again enters into historic agreements, which have no effect on the essential development of the country. “Instead of focusing on promoting cooperation and economic development, we are stuck in topics that should not be negotiated and which are part of the Macedonian national pride,” said VMRO-DPMNE’s spokesperson.

Stoilkovski said that the issue of the national origin of the revolutionary from the late 19th and early 20th century Goce Delchev is the “red line” of Macedonian national dignity and there must be no negotiation for it, also for the Macedonian language, which Zaev claimed that is guaranteed by the treaty he signed with Greece.


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