Is inappropriate therapy the cause of high COVID-19 mortality in Macedonia?


Professor Nikola Panovski wrote on Facebook Wednesday a story about the treatment of a COVID-19 patient in one of the smaller cities in Macedonia and everything that was prescribed to one patient.

“After a sleepless night and consultation with five colleagues, whom I respect, who are active in the fight against COVID-19, and their answers 4: 1, that I should publish a case report of a patient I do not know, led by an internist and him I do not know (the results are with deleted names and personal identification number, the five colleagues and Minister Filipche have that information, I would not publish them, however):

The patient has CRP 1.5, leukocytes 3.5, and everything is normal except elevated d dimers 850. RTG – more pronounced, bronchial drawing down right.

Therapy: Pancef 10 days, Sumamed 6 days, Moxiral 10 days, antibiotics, other: ampoules Nevaxon, Aminophyllinum, Novalgetol, Urbason, Famotidin, Clexan, all to be taken twice a day, IV of NaCl, and 3 more supplements in tablets. The patient bought all the medicines for 7,000 denars, fortunately he came across my conscientious colleagues who sent him to another internist and “drug poisoning” was avoided. This is a region in Macedonia where the COVID-19 mortality is three times higher than the average in our country, and this was standard therapy. As an expert on antibiotics, I emphasize: Sumamed is taken for 3 days, it is never combined with Moxiral, their spectrum overlaps, and otherwise in this case there are no indications for antibiotics, there is no pneumonia. I will not comment on other drugs, I just do not understand why they are given other than Klexan.

Primum non nocere – first, do no harm.

Message to the Ministry of Health, the Medical Chamber of Macedonia, MMA, please immediately translate the protocols for COVID-19 and publish them!!!

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