Zaev: There will be no early elections, Government is stable, supported by a stable majority in Parliament


There will be no early elections and no unfounded extortion of a Government resignation. There is no need or logic for this to happen, because it would fail all those who supported the country’s European agenda. The Government is stable, supported by a stable majority in Parliament, says Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in an interview with MIA.

PM Zaev says the process of the country’s Europeanization has been launched, incorporating a reform agenda that leads to the EU membership.

“The citizens’ trust to our policies was based on the Government’s resolute intent to solve all issues, including the difficult one with Bulgaria. (VMRO-DPMNE leader) Mickoski should look into his own yard in the white castle, think a bit and maybe say it our loud that he is the one who should resign after so many election defeats,” says Zaev.

Regarding the latest survey by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) in which SDSM leads VMRO-DPMNE by 0.5 percentage points, the PM says the field for political contest of ideas and concepts is open.


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