Archbishop Stefan: The pandemic proved how powerless we are, but the most terrible pandemic is that people forgot to love God and people


 The condition that the whole world is experiencing with the pandemic has proved to us how powerless we are, in spite of all self-confidence and in spite of all achievements and knowledge. But the most terrible pandemic of today is that people have forgotten to love God and to love people. Beloved Christ-lovers, repentance and correction are the best medicine against all diseases of body and soul. Let the year before us be a time of victory over evil and of the enmities that rule the world, let it be a pleasant time for abundant spiritual fruit, and a time in which the suffering of the insidious disease will end, said Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia Stefan in his Christmas address on the occasion of the upcoming holiday Badnik (Christmas Eve.

To all our people, here in the Homeland and all over the world, we wish a Merry Christmas, greeting them with the joyful greeting: Christ is born! Happy and blessed New Year of the Lord!”, reads the Christmas address of Archbishop Stefan.

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