Albanian politicians insist thatthere are over 25 percent Albanians in Macedonia


According to all indicators, the number of Albanians will be over 25 percent, claims the coordinator of the DUI parliamentary group and the party’s vice president Izet Mexhiti, adding that there was no need for concern about the number of Albanians.

“According to the number of pupils, according to birth rates and many factors, there will be over 25 percent Albanians. All indicators say that Albanians are more than they were at the last census. There is no need for such dilemmas. “The census is a statistical operation, so the number in our country needs to be determined and that is good for the next strategies and development, to have an accurate number either for economic parameters or for another nature,” Mexhiti said.

He told the opposition if it can contribute to the improvement of the Law or in its practical implementation. According to Mexhiti, the opposition does not contribute to the good of the country if they boycott the law. He says that Macedonia is late with the census, it is high time to conduct a census and to know the exact number of citizens.

Earlier, his party leader Ali Ahmeti said that all those who live in the country and have property will be registered. The DUI leader assures that the institutions will do their job, so all those who live in the country and abroad will be included. Speaking on the topic, Ahmeti explained how the diaspora is registered.

Regarding the expectations from the results, he noted that the Albanians could not be less than 25 percent, as they were in 2002. He explained the number with the conclusion that Albanians in Macedonia have a birth rate that has increased in recent years.

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