The government forgets about the musicians – the most affected by the coronacrisis


The musicians who are members of the six associations from all over the country held a meeting in Ohrid Saturday evening, during which they signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and joint performance before the state bodies and institutions.

The meeting analyzed the fifth set of measures of the state for financial support, and it was pointed out again that musicians together with caterers are the most vulnerable category in the current crisis, with a request for their inclusion in the fifth set of measures for financial support.

“We respect the measures adopted by the Committee on Health, we have understanding and we respect the decisions of the Government, but we ask for understanding of our right to exist because most of our members earn and live from live music performances that have been banned for ten months so do not have the opportunity to work and earn for basic needs. Therefore, we once again appeal to the competent ministry and the Government to include musicians as the most affected by the crisis in the 5th set of financial assistance,” reads the statement issued after the meeting.


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