Four foreign investors recently terminated their contracts


Chair of the Commission for material and financial operations of VMRO-DPMNE Gordana Dimitrieska Kochoska denies the claims of the government and Zaev that the country has foreign investments. She reveals that four major companies have terminated their contracts recently, and that Macedonia is at the bottom of the Balkans, as shown by the reports on the ranking of the foreign investment index.

“Only in the past period, four contracts with foreign investors have been terminated, and these are foreign investors agreed by SDSM, but they terminated the contracts. Those are Germany’s Kessler that was supposed to employ 150 people, two Turkish companies, one in street lighting production, one in automotive industry and an Albanian company investing in the pharmaceutical industry, which was supposed to employ 300 people. These are the investments agreed by the government and which terminated the contracts,” Dimitrieska Kochoska said.

She says that this decision to terminate these investments may have been influenced by corruption, frequent changes in legislation such as the progressive tax and the failed economic policies of the Government.

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