SSM demands continuation of financial support for payment of salaries


The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) demands the continuation of financial support for the payment of salaries. SSM believes that the fifth set of measures should be aimed at preserving jobs and healing the economy in order to overcome the crisis more easily.

SSM head Darko Dimovski at Monday’s session of the Economic and Social Council presented the proposals of the Union to the other social partners and stressed once again that the fifth set of measures must continue the financial support for payment of wages so as not to jeopardize labor places of workers in the affected sectors.

SSM again proposes that the salary compensation for absence from work due to COVID-19 , isolation and self-isolation be 100 percent of the base established by law, as well as directing public procurement by state bodies, exclusively from domestic companies that fired workers unfoundedly and did not abuse financial support for the payment of wages.

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