Municipalities pump money into certain media outlets to cover up their failures


The government has an advantage before the local elections, but also a big handicap due to unrealized projects, lies, the citizens are disappointed. On the other hand, the government buys and bribes, said GROM leader Stevche Jakimovski in an interview with Alfa TV.

“The government is not thinking about real problems, but they are thinking about how to outwit the citizens just to stay in power. But after all this there is no chance for them to win. Here is what they did in Skopje. Lack of ideas results in nonsense. They have announced a park along Ilindenska Street since 2017 and there is not a single park,” said Jakimovski.

The leader of GROM referred to the fact that the mayor of Karposh Stefan Bogoev paid 50,000 euros to the daily newspaper SlobodenPechat for publishing information.

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