Former UBK head Sasho Mijalkov probably fled to a neighboring country


Former UBK, director Sasho Mijalkov probably fled to a one of Macedonia’s neighboring country, sources from the Macedonian intelligence and security structures informed NetPress.

The assumption is that Mijalkov fled to Greece on Sunday afternoon from the Marriott Hotel, where he was until around 2.30 pm. But there is no information where exactly in Greece. It is not yet known whether he left Macedonia legally through one of the border crossings with Greece – Dojran, Bogorodica or Medzitlija, which is unlikely due to the situation with COVID-19, or whether he did it illegally. Another option is that Mijalkov went to Greece via Bulgaria, with a previously taken PCR test for COVID-19.

According to NetPress sources, the former first intelligence officer decided on this because previously neighboring Greece did not extradite Nikola Boskovski and GoranGrujovski, both former senior officials of the UBK, and accused in the Target-Fortress case, just like Mijalkov.

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