Panovski: There is five times more COVID-19 deaths in Macedonia than the world average


According to my calculations, North and South America and Europe have 1,060 COVID-19 deaths per million, the rest of the world has 88, and Asia and Africa and Australia only 35. Macedonia has five times higher mortality than the world average, said microbiologist Dr. Nikola Panovski told Alfa TV.

According to Panovski, each trip is dangerous and unnecessary.

“Those who returned from Zanzibar became infected along the way. Zanzibar has no cases, and there are 509 cases from the beginning of the pandemic and 20 deaths,” Panovski said.

Speaking about the census, Panovski pointed out that it should have been postponed to May.

“Because it would be warmer later, one can sit in the yard or on the terrace and all enumerators can be vaccinated,” Panovski said.

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