Prosecutor Stefanova failed to report an apartment that her daughter bought for 75,000 euros while unemployed


Renata Stefanova, the daughter of prosecutor Lile Stefanova of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime, more than five years ago as a then 21-year-old unemployed girl managed to buy an apartment worth 75,000 euros in the luxury building of Adora Engineering near the center of Skopje, but her mother did not report him in the questionnaire, according to the data published on Facebook by journalist Zoran Bozhinovski.

According to the information, the apartment was purchased on July 11, 2016, it is registered in the company ledgers, under contract number 03-921 / 1, and it was notarized by the notary public Verica Sinadinova on September 23, 2016…

At that time, Bozinovski was in the pre-trial prison in Shuto Orizari on charges in the “Spy” case led by Stefanova.

But it is interesting that Lile Stefanova also appears as a prosecutor in the “Empire” case, which includes the businessman Jordan Kamchev, and less than two years ago the Italian newspaper La Verita published a recording of a telephone conversation between Kamchev, a suspect in “Empire”, and Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13, a suspect in the” Racket “case, and in one of them, Kamchev says that the owner of Adora Engineering Vancho Chifliganec asked him for office space for the prosecutor Stefanova.

Kamchev, in the conversation with Boki 13, asks if prosecutor Stefanova is playing along.

“I do not know, is this woman playing along, this Lile, is she in? Once a Chifliganec called me and asked me for a space for her for dental offices, for some nonsense. I said no to all that,” Kamchev told Boki 13.

Chifliganec then denied such allegations in a statement to the media.

However, the documentation now provided by Bozhinovski indicates that Stefanoa, i.e. her daughter, bought a residential space from Adora Engineering. But it is problematic that prosecutor Lile Stefanova “forgot” the apartment of 72 square meters. Due to that, there is an open suspicion that the funds with which the apartment was purchased do not come from the legally acquired earnings of the prosecutor who took 93 thousand euros illegally for compensations from the former SPO.

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