Mijalkov remains in custody after being denied bail by the court


Former UBK chief Sasho Mijalkov has been denied bail by the Criminal Council of the organized crime and corruption department of the Skopje Criminal Court after offering almost EUR 11 million to be released from custody.

The bail application was denied as being ‘groundless’ although the Public Prosecutor’s Office has accepted the offer of over EUR-10 million bail for Mijalkov to be released from custody until the verdict, handed down by the court in the so called ‘Vault’ trial, becomes final.

The Court added Mijalkov has been denied bail because he was sentenced to 12 years in prison in another case, he is under investigation in relation to two other cases and is considered a flight risk.

“The Council after analyzing the case, believes there are still grounds for custody to be ordered having in mind the type and character of the crimes and the duration of the prison sentence,” said the Criminal Court.

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