Prime Minister Zaev confirms – electricity price to increase


 In an interview with “Utrinski brifing”, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev referred to a recent visit to Spain, where he met with the Spanish Prime Minister.

“Pedro Sanchez, who’s a good friend of mine, told me ‘Zoran, we received 142 billion from the recovery plan of Europe. 45% will go to energy, 25% to digitalization. The most important topics in the pandemic are investing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy saving and digitalization’. So we, like the rest of the world, are focused there. Many perspectives open up in Greece, we talk to big brands. I must also mention our investment in Alexandropoli. We also have companies that are present in the final stages of investments, we are opening the oil pipeline opportunities, 25% of the owners there, we want to put it into use. We are building the gas pipeline system that does not only open perspectives for Macedonia, but we become the main transit point, and it is a geostrategic plus for the country,” said Zaev.

He stressed that citizens should know that all investments that the state will make in photovoltaics, wind farms, gas power plants will cost money.

“We want green energy, the price of electricity will increase. We are developing programs in which we will create a fund for renewable sources. Serious challenges are coming, climate change is taking its toll, we must be an integral part of the world, we have ambitions side by side with the EU, and even be earlier than them in the part of closing REK Bitola, Oslomej”, said Zaev.

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