Opposition accuses three companies co-owned by PM’s family owe EUR 1.5 million to state


The promotions in the party hierarchy in SDSM are due to the service of crime, the mafia and the devastation of the state, said opposition VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson NaumStoilkovskiat a press conference.

“It is a fact that SanjaLukarevska became the right hand of ZoranZaev, while Zaev’s family companies owe the state for years, they owe a tax. The template is easy, the PRO does not take anything for the unpaid taxes, and in return Lukarevska gets a high party position. This is a classic abuse, this is a classic partisanship of the state, of the administration, this is a classic takeover of public institutions for party purposes. “Even today, the question is clear, whether SanjaLukarevska’s promotion within SDSM is due to the fact that as director of the PRO, Zaev’s companies, without fear of any sanction, have been on the list of tax evaders for years,” Stoilkovski said.

“While SDSM owes the state to Zaev and plans to increase taxes, Zaev’s companies do not pay taxes, and the director of the PRO gets a promotion in Zaev’s party. And today, instead of empty announcements for transparency, SDSM should tell if SanjaLukarevska was promoted in the party because it allows Zaev’s companies to be on the list of tax evaders for years? Transparency in the fact that Zaev’s family companies do not pay taxes is not progress, on the contrary it is arrogance and proof of impunity,” added Stoilkovski.

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