VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev with a new set of lies for investments – every time he is caught in crime he distracts the citizens with billions!


Zoran Zaev shamelessly promises a new investment cycle, and nothing has been realized from the one he promised two years ago. Obviously, as soon as he is caught in a crime or corruption scandal, he immediately spreads new lies about investments worth billions and repeats the same promises, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

In August 2019, Zaev promised 5 billion euros in investments in infrastructure, roads, railways, schools, kindergartens, water supply, treatment plants, energy, and the result is a huge ZERO. The realization of capital investments during the entire government of Zoran Zaev is catastrophic. They only managed to increase the debt by 2.5 billion euros of new debt and raise it to an all-time high of 63% of GDP.

Knowing Zaev and this investment announcement will be a new set of lies. He is only successful in crime and corruption, the party said in a statement.

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