Nikoloski: Zaev’s behavior leading secret talks is counterproductive and not VMRO-DPMNE’s behavior seeking answers


Nikoloski: Zaev’s behavior leading secret talks is counterproductive and not VMRO-DPMNE’s behavior seeking answers


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President AleksandarNikoloskibelieves that Prime Minister ZoranZaev should appear before the Macedonian public and say what exactly they are negotiating with Bulgaria because VMRO-DPMNE’s information are that the government is preparing to commit national treason.

“I think it is fair for ZoranZaev to appear before the Macedonian public and say what exactly they are negotiating with Bulgaria, to date we have no credible answer from him on what they are negotiating. We see that various European politicians are coming to Macedonia who offer certain solutions, but ZoranZaev does not inform the public about that. It was also confirmed that VladoBuchkovski is in secret negotiations in Sofia about which there is no information in the public. Our knowledge is that they are preparing to commit national treason and our work as opposition, and as the largest national party in Macedonia, above all the party of the Macedonian people and all others living in Macedonia, the party of Macedonian national unity is to present this information to the public, in order to alert the public and call on the public to prevent national treason. “So the behavior of ZoranZaev, who is conducting secret negotiations, is counterproductive, and the behavior of VMRO-DPMNE, which seeks answers to these questions, is not counterproductive,” Nikoloski said.

He pointed out that the main reasons why Macedonia cannot start negotiations for EU membership are the high level of crime and corruption, lack of public administration reforms and economic setback.

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