Former Parliament Speaker and Ambassador Andov tells Zaev and Buckovski not to go to Bulgaria, red lines should be shown


Former Parliament Speaker and Yugoslav Ambassador to Iraq Stojan Andov told Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the Government that they should not go to Bulgaria at this time, because they are preoccupied with the upcoming parliamentary elections. He recommended the same to the special envoy Vlado Buchkovski.

“Even if he goes to Sofia again, Prime Minister Zaev really has no one to talk to there, because everyone is preoccupied with the elections. There is time to visit. Buchkovski should not go to Bulgaria now either. It is good for the Prime Minister to continue to meet with senior EU officials and leaders of member states, such as the one with French President Emmanuel Macron, and to build relations of understanding. Ingratiating won’t help, it is a thing of the past. We need to promote clear messages – to say that we know exactly what we want, that we are ready to work to achieve what we want, and that we have red lines,” Andov told DW.


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