Vučić, Rama and Zaev: Western Balkans is Europe!


We remain even more committed to our EU path and to our regional cooperation. Our countries are part of Europe and will always be. The Western Balkans need the EU as much as the EU needs them, reads the tripartite statement by PM ZoranZaev and his Serbian and Albanian counterparts, AleksandarVučić and Edi Rama, following their meeting via video conference on Tuesday.

The three leaders agreed that the Western Balkans countries need the membership in the EU and that ‘our future are European, and we live in a region surrounded by the borders of the European Union. In the challenging context created by an already long-standing status quo of the Union vis-a-vis our EU integration process, we remain even more committed to our EU path and to our regional cooperation. We want to see sooner rather than later that the four freedoms of the EU – movement of people, goods, services, and capital – are implemented across the region. And we will do everything in our hands to lead towards this goal with the power of our example. In this spirit we will express our full support for the regional common market at the Berlin Process Summit of July 5th.



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