Arsovski: SDSM wants to introduce the highest environmental tax on fuels in Europe  


We have the most hypocritical government that any country has ever had. Instead of taking an environmental tax from polluters that actually pollute the air, it takes it directly from the pockets of ordinary citizens. Zoran Zaev and SDSM want at all costs to cover the holes in the budget that they made with crime, tenders and party employment and fill them only with money that should be given by the citizens through taxes, ie the last one through the environmental tax, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski told Thursday’s press briefing.

He pointed out that the environmental tax of 4.13 denars per liter is an increase which means the highest environmental tax that citizens would pay, compared to all European countries.

“Everyone is aware that Macedonia has the largest budget in the history of the Republic of Macedonia, and the worst economic results presented and brought by this government. SDSM and Zaev fill the gaps in the budget from criminal tenders through increases of the environmental tax for fuels themselves, electricity prices, taxes and everything else. At the expense of the citizens, the environmental tax is not paid by the companies that use petroleum coke, and they are 20 times bigger polluters than the citizens, ie the petroleum coke according to the expert analyzes is 20 times bigger polluter than the ordinary fuel. So the citizens who drive their cars are not so polluting and this is only because companies close to the Zaev familiy, i.e. their companies that are owned by them use petroleum coke to function. Not only the environmental tax, but also the excise tax, which cost about 45 to 50 euros per ton in 2019, was abolished,” said Arsovski.

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