Shahpaska: The citizen is the pillar of social reform, promotion of social services


The project for improvement of social services is a project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy which is implemented with the World Bank and includes two important components, increasing the social inclusion of citizens in the social protection system. The first is better access to cash benefits and services and the second is expanding access and improving the quality of the care and education system, ie greater coverage of children in preschool education and construction of new and expansion of existing kindergartens, said Minister of Labor and Social Politics JagodaShahpaska in a TV interview.

The minister pointed out that social reform is yielding results. Last year, during a pandemic, legal changes increased the coverage of an additional 6,500 households (recipients of guaranteed minimum assistance), through facilitated criteria for entry into the social protection system, as well as increased child and education allowance.

Regarding the Project for Improving the Social Services System, Minister Shahpaska pointed out that it is based on several principles that are the foundation of social reform. It represents a complete change in the concept of access to and provision of social rights and services to citizens.

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