Azeski: Zaev, Rama and Vučić demonstrate political leadership


Today we witnessed political leadership by Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Edi Rama and President Vučić, said Branko Azeski, President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, before the “Connected Balkans” economic panel at the Economic Forum for Regional Cooperation in Skopje.

“What is viewed as political leadership according to Western criteria, we were able to see it today in practice from Zaev, Rama and Vučić. Because it requires political leadership to promote an initiative that is yet to be fully supported, to explain it and to boldly move ahead and lead the people toward the goal, and we should follow it,” said Azeski.

Earlier, in a video message taped for the occasion he sent two messages.

“Firstly, today we should finally agree that there should no longer be long queues of truck at our borders. Secondly, what was typical for us, being closed, grey economic and cheap workforce, should be left in the past. We should strike a deal for two things: to open the Balkans and the business community to unite,” Azeski urged.

Speaking at the event, Ines Mucostepa, head of the Union of Chambers of Trade and Industry of Albania, stressed that the Western Balkans is a region of agreements, opportunities and hardworking people.

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