Not enough registered enumerators, application deadline to be extended yet again


There are still not enough registered enumerators for the upcoming population census, the State Statistical Office Director Apostol Simovski told

Today is the last day to apply for the public competition for hiring regional enumerators and census instructors. The competition opened on July 20 and was originally scheduled to run until August 5, but was extended to August 12 and then again to August 17.

Simovski told that in some areas the turnout is good, but in some it is not satisfactory. He points out that the number of instructors is full, but not enumerators.

“Probably today or tomorrow we will extend the deadline for registering enumerators for another week. We are not satisfied with the response so far. We expect a more significant response to the application in the next two days. The situation is the same as before, again the lowest turnout is in the Skopje municipalities, Strumica, Novo Selo and the areas with Albanian majority population,” said Simovski.

The census of population, households and apartments in Macedonia will be held from September 5 to September 30, 2021. In the meantime, the electronic self-registration of the citizens of Macedonia who are temporarily working or residing abroad continues. The self-enumeration of Macedonian citizens abroad will last until September 30.

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