VMRO-DPMNE: There are no textbooks, certificates or a plan for teaching under Carovska’s leadership


Carovska without a compass, 10 days before the beginning of the school year she has not informed the citizens how the classes will take place, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Wednesday.

“Carovska is still thinking about a “scenario”, i.e. the model for conducting teaching from three possible approved by the Government. One of them is some students to attend in-person classes, and some to attend online classes. Ten days before the beginning of the school year, neither the parents, nor the teachers, nor the students were shown a single new textbook for the first and fourth grade according to the new Concept for reforms in the primary education. There are no textbooks for the other grades, but also for the secondary vocational schools that are not under the new Concept,” said the opposition party.

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