Hospitality business ownersat Strumica protest: We are not spreading COVID-19, it is time for the Government to adopt new measures


Hospitality business owners Strumica, the city where the current Prime Minister ZoranZaev was mayor for almost a decade, inform that they unanimously decided to boycott, expressing dissatisfaction with the new measures that were adopted these days.

“Starting Tuesday from 11:00 to 13:00, every day as a sign of dissatisfaction we will perform by blocking the streets in Strumica and the entrances to the city. We are demanding for the previous measures for free entry of the unvaccinated and vaccinated, because the current measures create only devisions between citizens. We are not the ones spreading the virus and that is why we are asking the government to accept our request. Otherwise, we will act with stricter measures “, says the Hospitality Association in Strumica.



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