SEC: 15 independent mayoral candidates have collected the necessary signatures so far


The State Election Commission (SEC) announced at today’s 17th session that so far 15 independent candidates for mayors have collected the necessary signatures to participate in the local elections, and 30 independent councilor lists in different municipalities in the SEC regional offices have collected signatures.

Collecting signatures for the independent candidates for mayors and councilor lists lasts until August 30, and the employees in the regional units will work one hour later tomorrow and Sunday, while on August 30, they will work until 24:00, it was announced at the session.

The collection of signatures of other independent candidates for mayors that are not completed is underway, as well as councilor lists.

The SEC at Friday’s session also announced that as of yesterday, a total of 5164 people were checked in the Voters’ List. Out of them, a total of 11 requests for registration in the Voters’ List were submitted, 12 requests for deletion of the data from the Voters’ List and four requests for change of the data in the Voters’ List.

A total of 17 requests were submitted to the SEC at address [email protected].

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