Carovska: 14 students newly infected with COVID-19, none infected at school so far


Of the 14 students newly infected with Covid-19, not a single one contracted the virus at school, there is no internal transmission in schools among the 233,000 students attending in-person classes, said Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska during her visit of Aco Shopov Elementary School in Radishani on Friday.

She didn’t want to comment about which schools reported positive cases. “What’s important for the public to know is that we had 14 positive cases the previous day. That’s only 0.01 percent of the overall number of students. The health authorities know which schools, children, or teachers were positive. Pointing fingers will bring nothing good,” Carovska said.

Over 233,000 students were attending in-person classes, she pointed out, adding, “I want this percentage of infected people to stay low in the upcoming period.”

The education minister said that in-person instruction while following health protection protocols was the best learning option for students during the pandemic.

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