Foreign Ministry to set up working group on arrested diplomat and issuing passports to Armenian criminals


Nervousness and unpredictability caused the latest case with the arrest of a diplomat from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, and added that this case shakes the trust and authority of the institution and that is why several urgent measures have been taken so far.

Osmani pointed out that the position of the employee in the Ministry of Interior has been put on hold and he has been withdrawn from his duties of the OSCE mission. Furthermore, says Osmani, a procedure has been started for forming a working group that will have to cooperate with the judicial authorities in order to conduct vetting.

“I launched an urgent procedure for forming a working group that should conduct an initial urgent review of the situation with the certificates and documentation in order to determine whether there is a certain immanent threat to the security and confidentiality of the house, especially a threat related to the case,” Osmani said.

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