Government “skipped” the first Prime Minister Kljusev in paying homage on Independence Day


The protocol of the Government of SDSM and DUI made an oversight during the celebration of the Independence Day and the laying of candles before the memories of the prominent personalities who contributed to the independence of the country.

According to reports, flowers were laid just before the memorial service for the late Macedonian presidents, the first KiroGligorov and his successor Boris Trajkovski. But not the first Prime Minister of independent Macedonia Nikola Kljusev, who was the first Prime Minister of the expert government in the 1991/1992 period.

Impressive in the Macedonian history will remain the moments when in the Parliament, from the rostrum Kljusev promoted the first denominations of the new Macedonian currency denar, as well as the celebration of the results of the referendum for independence of Macedonia on the eponymous central Skopje square.


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