Shilegov ordered institutions to make changes to the factual situation of the documents in order to cover up the illegal construction scandal


The largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE says that the mayor of the City of Skopje PetreShilegov became even more involved in the affair with the illegal construction of the family house, after he ordered institutions over the weekend to create changes in the factual state of documents to cover up the illegal construction scandal.

“In a panic since the scandal came out on September 4, be careful on SATURDAY, he was given the right to own the land, a basic precondition for any construction activity. An entire institution and employees of SATURDAY were hired to cover up the scandal. But was only the catastre involved or were there other institutions ivolved as well, was a blatant forgery of documents carried out on Saturday or at night to cover Shilegov’s illegal construction? That is why Shilegov was silent for days, because he needed time to fabricate documents,” says VMRO-DPMNE.


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