Misajlovski: The Government rejecting the resignations due to the Tetovo tragedy means that they have no morals and don’t feel responsible – there must be resignations for an objective investigation


VMRO-DPMNE on Friday again demanded responsibility from the Government for the tragedy that happened in Tetovo, in which 14 people lost their lives. The oppisition’s Vice President Vlado Misajlovski at Friday’s press conference asked a series of questions that should be addressed by the Government. He reminded that resignation has always been and will be an act of responsibility.

‘The Government rejecting the resignations after such a tragic event as in Tetovo only means two things: This government has no morals, and this government does not feel responsible. VMRO-DPMNE does not demand responsibility from the government because of political malice or because it has personal motives against Zaev or Venko Filipche, but because they are incompetent, but also because of the objective investigation that it must have. The fact that Prime Minister Zaev is protecting Minister Filipche means that Zaev should also resign due to his active participation in the clumsy attempt to answer the questions that whole public wants answered”, Misajlovski stressed.


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