The minimum expenses of a family of four in August increased by 214 denars compared to July. The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) says that for the basic monthly needs of a family needs 34,342 denars, and if there is at least one achool-goer in the family, then the costs increase by about eight thousand denars.
he Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia says that neither the average nor the two minimum wages are enough to cover the union minimum basket. CCM analyzes show that the cost of living is constantly increasing and wages are stagnating.
Most money, according to the calculations of SSM, is spent on food and beverages (14,633 denars) and payment of overhead costs (10,818 denars). For personal hygiene, the minimum costs are 2,382 denars, and for transportation at least 2,529 denars are needed.
A special burden for the citizens is the beginning of the school year. According to SSM, eight thousand denars for only one school-goer would be spent.