Arrested diplomat to remain in Serbia, no procedure opened in Macedonia


There is no open procedure for the Macedonian diplomat who is in custody in Serbia, due to which the country would then ask for his extradition.

“We as the Ministry of Justice have not received information on the basis of which we should request the extradition or transfer of a convicted person,” said Minister of Justice Bojan Marichikj.

In response to a journalist question whether there is progress in the case of the Macedonian diplomats, he pointed out that the institutions from Serbia have not made any contact with the Ministry of Justice.

– I have the information that the public and some government officials have. The Ministry of Justice has no role here, because the person who is in custody, our diplomat who is in custody in Serbia, does not have an open procedure with us, due to which we would look for him as a state, said Marichikj.

The diplomat, who is part of the Macedonian Mission to the OSCE in Vienna, was detained after an international arrest warrant was issued for him on suspicion of organizing a trip to the Armenian capital, Yerevan, three years ago, along with two other Macedonian diplomats, in order to a person suspected of embezzling several million euros is being evacuated in Armenia.

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