Osmani: There are members who think that the EU is not functioning well enough for new countries to join


Ahead of Ursula von der Leyen’s visit to Skopje and meetings with top officials, Reuters quoted sources and a document in Brussels as saying that for fear of possible backlash from member states, Brussels could no longer guarantee that the six Balkan countries, including and Macedonia, will join the EU at all.

Appearing on Morning Briefing TV show, Osmani commented on the alleged draft-declaration for the EU-Western Balkans summit next month in Slovenia, claiming “the EU can no longer agree to give a guarantee of future membership to the six Balkan countries.”

“During preparations of the EU bodies for a joint declaration due to be adopted at the October summit, a dilemma emerged whether the summit is at all about enlargement and whether ‘enlargement’ should appear in the document. Some have been interpreting as further encouraging Euroscepticism in some countries, which is nothing new. Others have been interpreting as defining the coming summit, whether it is a summit about enlargement or a summit in which the EU’s focus toward the Western Balkans is promoted,” he said.

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