Zaev says “no” to resigning if SDSM has a weaker election result than VMRO-DPMNE


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will not be resigning if SDSM, in total, has fewer votes for the councilor lists in the municipalities after the first round of elections on Sunday.

When asked about it by reporters at Tuesday’s press conference, Zaev briefly said “no”.

The elections for councilors in 80 municipalities and in the City of Skopje are conducted in one election round, according to a proportional model, and the elections for mayors, which are according to the majority system, in two election rounds.

SDSM won the most votes of all participants on the councilor lists in the local elections in 2017. Specifically, the sum of votes in all 80 municipalities was over 420 thousand, which brought the Social Democrats about 530 council seats, as opposed to 415 council seats of VMRO-DPMNE, which in this “category” then won over 335 thousand votes.

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