PPO: Unknown persons conduct election bribery in Topaana and Shuto Orizari  


The Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje has received several reports for possible election irregularities committed in the area of Skopje.

The on-duty public prosecutor from the Skopje Prosecutor’s Office is present at the headquarters of the SIA Skopje, where together with the Headquarters within the operational action Elections 2021 within the SIA Skopje, all events related to irregularities in the local elections are monitored.

A report has been received that unknown persons with two passenger motor vehicles are currently conducting election bribery in Topaana and Shuto Orizari. Instructions were given to SIA Skopje to take measures to check the allegations in the report, check the persons who were offered the bribe and identify a possible perpetrator of the crime “bribery during elections and voting” under Article 162 of the Criminal Code.

Around 9 am, near the entrance of GM 2842 and 2842/1 in JDGU “Kocho Racin” on “Borka Taleski” Street, the voting number of a mayoral candidate was imposed on the windows of nine motor vehicles. Measures are taken to determine the identity of a possible perpetrator of a misdemeanor under Article 190 paragraph 3 of the Electoral Code.

In the area of ​​the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office Bitola, actions are being taken to establish facts in several cases related to the process of organizing and conducting local elections.

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